How to call child component method with forwardRef and useImperativeHandle in React

Calling a child method is a common architecture problem that occurs in a React app. You can pass individual properties to child components, you can alter the component state inside of the same component, but how to actually call another component’s method?

How to call child component method with forwardRef and useImperativeHandle in React Read More »

[!] RollupError: Node tried to load your configuration as an ES module even though it is likely CommonJS. To resolve this, change the extension of your configuration to “.cjs” or pass the “–bundleConfigAsCjs” flag.

[!] RollupError: Node tried to load your configuration as an ES module even though it is likely CommonJS. To resolve this, change the extension of your configuration to “.cjs” or pass the “–bundleConfigAsCjs” flag. Read More »